Sunday, January 27, 2019
Art Basel Miami Spotlights International Artists and Galleries
The owner of the law firm DeWitt PLLC in Miami, Suzanne DeWitt also develops tax-efficient strategies for corporate and institutional clients as the principal of Valora. Outside of her professional pursuits, Suzanne DeWitt is passionate about art, and she attends Art Basel in Miami each year.
With shows in Basel and Hong Kong, as well as Miami, Art Basel brings together artists, collectors, and galleries across the globe and highlights the role of galleries in nurturing artists’ careers. The organization’s initiatives reflect a dedication to the art world, and special projects include partnership collaborations and commissioned events. These efforts, combined with gallery and artist participation, have made Art Basel one of the world’s leading international art shows.
Art Basel’s American show, which takes place annually in Miami, invites galleries from Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Latin and North America to showcase their most significant works. Featured artists range from modern and contemporary masters to emerging talents and members of the new generation. Works on view include an assortment of sculptures, paintings, photographs, and films.
For information on upcoming Art Basel shows, visit